Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Graduation Day ... times two!

So, on Sunday, June 1st, James and Jacob graduated from E.B. High School. We are extremely proud of both boys. As many of you know, James has already enlisted in the U.S. Army (and actually shipped out on June 17th). Jacob will be attending the University of Massachusetts - Amherst this fall. He'll be majoring in History and minoring in Film Production, in the Commonwealth College program (and living on Orchard Hill).

Then, on Friday, June 13th, Katelyn graduated from the E.B. YMCA Small-Fry preschool. She was sad to leave Miss Toni, Miss Karen, and Mr. Jason behind, but is very excited for kindergarten in the fall!

Katie's big girl bed ...

So a couple weeks ago we noticed that Katie is really getting too big for her toddler bed. We needed to get the twin bed we were storing at the warehouse out of there, so we decided there's no time like the present! Here are some pictures of the big girl w/ her new bed, and the stuffed animal 'beds' that Daddy hung up for both girls ...