Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Intentions For The New Year

Perhaps this year will be the one I'm able to keep these 'intentions!' I certainly intend to try ...

1. Get back on WeightWatchers ... and STAY ON WeightWatchers! It's such an easy plan and it allows me to eat whatever foods I love, so why is it so blasted difficult to stay on plan?

2. Get more exercise ... I intend to walk a few times a week, and we have a Wii so exercising should be fun, right?!

3. Keep a tidier & less cluttered home ... I hate the clutter that takes up the available surfaces and space in our home. It. drives. me. crazy. Yet it remains, day in and day out. No more, I intend to get rid of (most of) the clutter!

4. Read more ... I learned to knit last year & that put a solid brake on my reading. I miss it. I'm dusting off my eReader and intend to read at least 2 books each month!

5. Do more menu-planning ... it's definitely much easier to cook family meals when I have a plan, and it's pretty easy to come up with said plan. So, I intend to do a menu-plan each week for at least 4 of the 7 nights.

6. Update my blog more frequently ... with the ease of FaceBook, my blog has slid considerably lower on my to-do list. I intend to update the blog with the family happenings (and knit happenings hehe) at least once per month ... and Carole's "Ten on Tuesday" prompts WILL NOT count for an update!

7. I intend to spend less time on FaceBook.

8. Keep in touch with my friends better ... this may have to include calling them on the phone (EEEEEEK!). Yes, those of you who know me well won't be surprised by this admission ... I have a phone phobia. I hate, no despise really, calling people on the phone. I don't mind talking if someone calls me, but that initial call is really hard for me, for a number of reasons. I intend to force myself more, surely then it'll get easier, right?

9. In helping myself accomplish #3, I really need to clean our my dresser & closet. There are a ton of clothes I keep that I know I will never (ever) wear ... so I intend to clean them out and give them to goodwill. Win/win!

10. Perhaps my most selfish intention ... more me time. I do alot of things for alot of people, and this year I intend to do more for myself. If that means simply parking my butt in my chair and knitting or reading, then that's what I intend to do. Ahhhh, I feel better just intending to do it :)

So that's it, my 10 Intentions For The New Year. Way better than resolutions, thanks Carole!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Favorite Places For Online Shopping

Since I do a good portion of my Christmas shopping online (I hate crowded stores & shudder at the thought of venturing to the mall in mid-December), this one was a cinch! Only hard part was whittling the list down to ten!

1. Amazon.com ... pretty much a rule, if amazon doesn't have it, you probably don't need to buy it ;)

2. Lakesidecollection.com ... lots of inexpensive gift ideas!

3. Walmart.com/Target.com ... why go to the store when they will deliver it for cheap?

4. Duluthtradingcompany.com ... my favorite store to shop for my man.

5. eBay.com ... yup, I've been addicted pretty much since the beginning! Much harder to get an actual bargain now, though, you've got to be vigilant.

6. Bestbuy.com ... who doesn't love electronics delivered to their door?

7. Thingfling.com ... while it's quite hit-or-miss, I've found some cool bargains here!

8. Yarn.com ... I love to browse the yarns, just wish I could actually feel them :)

9. Knitpicks.com ... they have sooooo many good things!

10. Darngoodyarn.com ... this site sells recycled sari yarn, which is yarn spun by hand (mostly in Nepal) by women trying to earn money for their families. It's spun out of recycled sari silk ... when the factories cut out the material for saris, the material that is cut off is then recycled. I like that it's a unique yarn & I love that purchasing it helps empower women in the poorest parts of the world.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Things I Love About Thanksgiving

1. Family - I love being with my family and Thanksgiving is the perfect day to do it.

2. Food - I think we've established that I love food, and Thanksgiving is a veritable smorgasbord of comfort food - mashed potatoes & gravy, butternut squash, green bean casserole, creamed onions, stuffing (I prefer mine with sausage, just so you know), rolls with butter, and of course, the roast turkey. I think I gained 5 pounds just talking about it all.

3. Pie - Isn't this separate from food? Well, it should be.

4. History - Kinda weird, I know, but Thanksgiving always makes me think back ... to the Pilgrims, and Plimoth (that's how they spelled it, ya know), the hardships they endured to ensure their freedoms. I'm always a bit reflective of all of our history, and it's strong here in the northeast.

5. Football - 'cause really, what would it be without football? Whether it's the old high school rivals duking it out in the freezing cold of Thanksgiving morning or the pros on TV, it's a great day for football.

6. Clean, crisp air - I love autumn, especially in New England. There's really nothing like feeling the crispness in the air, seeing your breath come out in plumes, and hearing the crunch of leaves under your feet.

7. Decorations - cornucopias, gourds, pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales, etc. The girls have already brought home some cute ones - currently we have a scarecrow and a black cat on our back door :)

8. Black Friday - I'm not going to get up at 4 a.m. (or earlier, perish the thought) and actually go out with all the other loonies (no offense if you are one). I will, however, check out the online sales and shop from the comfort of my home office, in my PJ's, with a cup of steaming tea or coffee.

9. Laughter - might seem like a strange thing to have on my Thanksgiving list ... but when you mix great food and family, there's usually laughter in the air, and I love it.

10. Thanksgiving - I mean the true Giving of Thanks. I thank the Lord that I have my wonderful family, some great true friends, my health, and lots of great opportunities to add to my awesome memories.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Movies I Want To See

Ok, so you should probably know that I rarely get to the movie theater. We have small children, that should be all the excuse I need! That said, there are some really great movies either out or coming out that I *really* want to see. Here is my list ...

1. Morning Glory - Um, yeah, Harrison Ford? Even old, he's good.

2. Megamind - This just looks funny!

3. Tangled - Can't wait to take the girls to see the latest Disney epic :)

4. Harry Potter - Can't get enough of Harry! I'm so so glad they split the final book into two movies, prolongs the goodness!

5. Hereafter - Mmmmmm, Matt Damon. Nuff said!

6. Life As We Know It - See #5 but substitute Josh Duhamel for Matt Damon.

7. The Next Three Days - love me a good action flick!

8. How Do You Know? - Anything with Owen Wilson & Reese Witherspoon has to be good, right?

9. Conviction - I hadn't heard of this one 'til I read Carole's list ... then I looked up the movie. This happened when I was a senior in high school right here in Massachusetts ... so why can't I remember it? Sounds pretty intriguing ... and I have brothers, whom I love dearly - I can't wait to see this movie!

10. Stone - I'm game for anything with the master, DeNiro, in the cast.

Now the question becomes ... will I actually get to see *any* of these in the movies, or will I have to wait 'til they're released on DVD or (worse yet) come out on TV??

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Dream Vacations

Only 10? I have an awful lot of places to go ... and unfortunately for me, not a lot of time or money to get there!! Anyway, here goes ...

1. Hawaii ... Shawn and I went to Hawaii for 2 weeks on our honeymoon, and I can't wait to go back. It's a beautiful locale, and it can be everything you dream about!

2. Australia ... this one is definitely on my bucket list!

3. Italy ... I've gone with my father and with my mother, and I'd love to go again. When we went we stuck to the popular locations, Rome, Florence, Venice ... this time I'd like to see Tuscany and the smaller villages.

4. Aruba ... I'm not sure I remember ever hearing anything bad about Aruba!

5. Bermuda ... always a favorite!

6. England ... I want to see all the favorite tourist spots, the tower, the castle, etc.

7. Scotland ... it looks so green and beautiful in the pictures, I'd love to see it in person!

8. Tahiti ... there's just something about a tropical island paradise, ya know?!

9. Disney ... DisneyWorld, DisneyLand, DisneyTokyo, you name it and I'd love to see it!

10. The rest of the USA ... I've been to 29 states & Washington D.C., whether it be on vacation, or just passing through. But I'd love to be able to say that I've seen a little bit of every state in this wonderful country. My big dream is to travel to all the major league baseball stadiums and watch the Red Sox play in them :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways To Simplify Your Life

For today's 'Ten on Tuesday' the topic is '10 Ways To Simplify Your Life' ... hmmmmm. When I saw this week's topic, I thought, "Gee, that ought to be easy!" On further thought, not so much, LOL. Well, easy to spout out ways to do it ... not so much in the actual doing. Anyway, here goes ...

1. Learn to make a list ... and use it! Whether it's a 'to-do' list or a grocery list, putting it down on paper (or on your phone) means you are less likely to forget something.

2. Learn to say "NO!" If you have less obligations, you'll have more time for the important stuff.

3. Organize your space. I struggle with this one. I want to be organized, but have a hard time implementing the plan. If everything is where it belongs, it's easier (and faster) to get things done.

4. Plan meals ahead. To me not much is more frustrating than that 4:00 "What am I going to cook for dinner?" panic! I may not stick to my weekly menu plan, but I have a plan and it makes it much easier to know that I need to take the roast out of the freezer on Tuesday morning so it will defrost in time to put in the oven!

5. Avoid wasted trips. Group your errands together and save time. Why run to the post office now and then drive right by it in a few hours on your way to the bank?

6. Get rid of some preconceived notions that everything has to be perfect. My Mom used to make dinners that consisted of a meat, a starch, and two veggies (almost always different colors). Yeah, well sometimes I accomplish that ... but sometimes my kids get mac & cheese for dinner. With no veggies. Sue me.

7. Don't sweat the small stuff. Honestly, if you get this one down, everything else falls into place. Put your priorities in order and then give them top billing, always.

8. Build some 'me' time into each and every day. Take 5 minutes to file your nails. Read a couple chapters in the book on your nightstand. Flip through your new magazine and have a cup of tea. Knit a few rows on the sweater/shawl/scarf you're making. Whatever it is, make the time to enjoy it.

9. Institute a 'work-and-reward' system to make chores seem more fun. Whether you do it by time or task, it'll help. Yesterday I made myself wash windows (ugh) ... so I made it fun by giving myself a reward after each couple of windows! Wash two windows ... knit for fifteen minutes. Wash the picture window (inside & out) ... play Bejeweled for five games. I got my windows done & it didn't seem so bad :)

10. I'll borrow the last one from Fly Lady ... clean & shine your sink. A clean sink just makes life simpler, doesn't it?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today in Jo's Knitting Land ...

So I've been working on an uber-secret project in a gorgeous green shade of Knitpicks CotLin yarn. I wasn't happy with the way my joins were coming out. Being a fairly new knitter, I've been just joining the new yarn and then weaving the ends in. In doing this, however, my ends always seem to pop out. I don't like that. My uber-secret project doesn't like it either.

To make my knitting happier, I scoured the internet in search of better ways to join (take this to mean that I want to my 2 stand-by sites ... KnittingHelp.com and Planet Purl and looked through their how-to video library). I came up with the 'Russian Join!' Voila ... my kntting is happier, and therefore, I am happier!

Unfortunately I read ahead in the pattern and I see more how-to videos in my near future! Next lesson up ... short rows w/ a wrap & turn.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Things In My Freezer Right Now

Ack, this could get scary, LOL!! Here we go ...

1. Waffles/pancakes ... the girls love these on a cold morning, drenched in maple syrup!

2. Turkey ... it's been sitting there for, well, goodness knows how long. One of those things I don't like to make, but I feel I should have on hand. Yeah, probably time to get over that, huh?

3. Chicken parm ... mmmmm, nothing better than a dinner you can just thaw out and heat up!

4. Pizza ... a great Friday night dinner, especially when you make it 'Family Movie Night!'

5. Margarine/butter ... always a good idea to keep some in reserve.

6. Ice Cream ... I think at this particular moment we have 'Party Cake' and 'Moose Tracks!' Oh, and I think there's a berry frozen yogurt in there, too.

7. Shrimp ... I love the Schwan's Shrimp Scampi & we just bought their Butter Shrimp to try as well. I also have a bag of plain old shrimp.

8. Pork chops ... whenever there's a sale, I grab some extra to freeze. Sometimes I marinate them, sometimes not.

9. Veggies ... for quick weeknight dinners, frozen veggies are easy. Usually tastier than the canned variety!

10. Popsicles ... hey, I have kids!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things To Love About Fall

Today's topic is '10 Things To Love About Fall!' FUN!!

1. The cooler weather & no humidity ... yeah, I'm done with the hot, steamy stuff!

2. Spectacular colors  ... there's no place like New England to experience the glorious colors of autumn. The bright reds, golden yellows and oranges, even the browns!

3. Apples ... apple pie, apple cider, apple muffins, apple crisp, apple butter ... so many glorious ways to celebrate the apple!

4. Football! When fall rolls around, they strap on the pads & hit the turf for some rough & tough football, and we love it! 'Specially when the Patriots rout the Dolphins and make sushi out of 'em (just sayin')!

5. Baseball's Fall Classic ... love the excitement of the hunt for the pennant ... even when the Red Sox don't make the mix (hey, all the starters were on the DL for goodness sake!), we can always root against the Evil Empire!

6. Crisp, clean air scented with wood smoke.

7. The crunch of dried leaves under your feet as you take a walk in that crisp, clean air.

8. Crockpot dinners ... nothing like coming home to something warm and delicious after a day being out in the crisp, clean air.

9. Anticipating the coming winter ... I'm already planning to knit the 'Drifty' hat & mitten set, almost can't wait for it to snow!

10. Watching the pure joy on my children's faces as they dive into the huge leaf pile hubby makes for them. Yeah, lovin' fall in New England!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Knit Progress

So, I learned to knit back in January. In the past nine months I've knit (and completed) 31 projects!! 31!!

I've done 2 sleeveless sweaters, 2 skirts & 2 babydoll tops, a shrug, 3 pairs of socks, 5 hats, 2 scarves, a rectangular lace shawl, 2 triangular lace shawls, an afghan, a baktus scarf, a baby blanket, and a handful of dishcloths!

I can hardly believe I've been so productive :) Lots of the items were gifts, and it felt so good to give something that I made. I made a cotton shrug to keep my Mom's shoulders warm, and I'm so very glad that I was able to make her something pretty before she passed. I made Shawn's Mom a pretty green rectangular lace shawl for her birthday. I made Katelyn a purple afghan for her bed. I made both girls a baby doll top and a cheerleader style skirt. I made Jake a couple of "man" dishcloths, plus 2 for Shawn's Mom & a few for myself. I made myself a couple of sleeveless summer tops, a baktus scarf, 3 pairs of socks, and a triangular lace shawl. My grand-niece Taylor got a baby blanket w/ cute flowers. I also have a few gifts stashed away for later in the mix as well.

I'm currently working on another pair of socks ... 'Bad Moon Rising' is the name of the pattern & the yarn is a gorgeous blend of Halloween colors. This project is my first attempt at cables. I have some yarn on order for another lace shawl for a dear friend, and some for a cool mitten & hat set for myself.

It feels good to have a craft I'm loving ... and it's very relaxing to sit and knit. If the pattern is easy, then I can knit and watch TV ... if it's more challenging, then I focus on the pattern & stitches, which takes my mind off everything else.

I sat and knit at my Mom's bedside during the last few months of her life, so every time I pick up my needles, I know I'll be thinking of my Mom with some very fond memories.

A huge thank you to my friend Carole, who taught me to knit and got me to be a yarn snob (what can I say, I *love* nice yarn)! Shawn's still not sure he's thankful, though ...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Things in My Refrigerator

I haven't been grocery shopping in over 2 weeks, so it's going to be a bit on the sparse side, but here goes ...

1. Milk ... we *always* have milk! At least we're down to 2 or 3 gallons a week. When the boys were living at home, at one point we were buying 12 gallons each week. Yikes!

2. Apples ... the girls love apples. Hmmmm, since the cooler weather is upon us, it's time to make apple crisp!

3. Nectarines ... they looked really good and taste even better!

4. Beer. Um, yeah, another staple!

5. Reisling ... saving this for a special dinner with my hubby :)

6. Leftover chicken parmesan ... it's what we had for dinner on Sunday, and it's what we're having again tonight.

7. Cranberry juice ... Shawn loves it, and so does Katelyn.

8. Spicy Hot V8 ... this one's mine! I love it, either plain or with additives!

9. Green peppers ... actually, I think these might not be technically green anymore?! Once they grow fuzz, do they still qualify as green? Yeah, I keep looking at them and thinking, "Wow, I really should get rid of those."

10. Potatoes ... another staple in our home. I grew up on potatoes. My boys grew up on potatoes. My girls are growing up on potatoes. Yum!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways To Have A Happy Birthday

Only 10?? LOL Here we go ...

1. Be woken up with a kiss and a heartfelt 'Happy Birthday' from your spouse/partner.

2. Be served breakfast in bed ... while this hasn't happened to me in a very long time, I fondly remember the event :)

3. Go out to lunch with a friend.

4. Eat dinner at your favorite restaurant ... even better if it's one of those "Eat Free On Your Birthday" joints!

5. Enjoy a glass of your favorite wine or spirit.

6. Take some time to partake of your favorite activity. Read a book, knit/crochet, take pictures ... whatever you love to do, do it!

7. Have some friends over for an informal cocktail party ... have them bring some light snacks & serve some adult beverages, and enjoy the company of those you love.

8. Have your favorite dessert after dinner. Throw the diet out the window & truly indulge and enjoy.

9. Watch something special on TV (or at the movies).

10. Revel in the fact that you've made it through another year :)

Hmmmmm, I'm noticing a strong theme in almost all my list items, LOL!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Reasons to Watch FOOTBALL!

This should be pretty easy, since I love watching football on Sunday afternoons!

1. To root for your home-town (or favorite) team!

2. To watch the great commercials! C'mon, admit it, we all watch at least a little bit for the commercials, LOL.

3. To spend some quality time with your hubby (or boyfriend/friend/whatever) ... guys love football, and they love their women to watch it with them (especially if we're getting #4 ready ...)!

4. For the snacks! Buffalo wings, chips & dips, cheese & crackers, pretzels, popcorn, whatever you're making for the big game, it usually ends up being a deliciously overdone event!

5. For the tailgating ... ok, so I could have combined #4 and #5, but really, it's two completely separate things! Tailgating is so totally different than watching in the confines of your living room. With tailgating there's definitely alot of snacks, but they lean more toward 'at the game' foods ... burgers, dogs, brats, etc. Tailgating has a purely social aspect to it ... you become great friends with those around you, simply by virtue of the fact that you're rooting for the same team, and dedicated enough to come out and enjoy the day around that game!

6. For the beer ... hmmm, 'nuff said I think.

7. Well-defined muscles in overly tight pants. Hang on while I wipe the teeny bit of drool off my keyboard ...

8. To gather stats for your fantasy football league ... c'mon, you know you do it!

9. To have a few hours where you can sit and knit (or drag out your crafty obsession of choice) and not feel guilty about doing that instead of spending time with your hubby or family, LOL!

10. To keep those time-honored traditions alive. Because gone are the days of watching football only on Sunday afternoon after church. Now there's regular Sunday afternoon football ... there's Sunday night football, Monday night football, Thursday night football, and (at times during the season) there's Saturday football. Of course you have to add in the pregame and post game shows, the preview shows during the week leading up to football, etc. If you don't watch football, there's a good chance you'll have nothing in common with hubby (if he's a football fan-atic) because from September through January, that's all he will be doing!!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things To Do Before The End of Summer

Okay, let's get right to it ...

1. Enjoy the cooler weather & eat dinner outdoors! We're past the "ewww, it's so hot & humid" stage, but haven't yet entered the "wow, where did I put my sweatshirt?" stage, so get outside w/ your meals and enjoy.

2. Swim in the ocean ... quick! The water temp is dropping as we speak ...

3. Enjoy the beach ... any beach, salt or fresh ... for me, this means spending days at the lakehouse beach. I don't even have to put on my bathing suit and pretend I'm going in the frigid water, hehe. The girls will still be swimming (until they're joined by penguins & icebergs if I let them), but I'm all about enjoying the warm sun and cool breezes.

4. Eat a lobster ... or shrimp, scallops, clams, whatever. Nothing like a lobster (or your other favorite seafood) in the late summer.

5. Read a book ... sit out on your deck, front steps, wherever, just get out there and read while soaking up the last of those rays.

6. Pick out a new project ... I just bought some scrumptious new yarn & can't wait to get started on a few new projects.

7. Make your Christmas list ... it's never to early to put on paper what you'd love Santa to bring you! I love the irony of sitting on the beach and making out a list :)

8. Visit a corn maze. We've done this the past few years with the girls, and it's so much fun! Go while the weather is still warm :)

9. Grab the last of the summer bounty at a local farm stand ... there's still plenty of tomatoes, cukes, and corn to go 'round!

10. Take a walk after you put the kids on the school bus ... take advantage of the free time & the great weather :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways to Lighten Your Mood

This should be pretty easy ... I hate stress, so I'm always trying to lighten things up a bit :) Here goes ...

1. Listen to music ... whatever your favorite type of music, classical, pop, country, doesn't matter! Listen to a few of your favorite songs and you'll instantly feel calmer and happier.

2. Talk to a good friend ... 'nuff said.

3. Watch a romantic comedy or a sitcom ... nothing heavy, nothing dramatic, just pure zone-out pleasure.

4. Read ... books always take me away from whatever is going on in my life and transport me into the author's world. It's a great escape!

5. Go for a walk ... look around and really look at your surroundings. Something about seeing the birds flying, the squirrels and chipmunks scurrying, and the rest of the glorious signs of life around you will lift your mood.

6. Eat a piece of chocolate ... for me it's dark chocolate, but hey, go for whatever you love. Eating chocolate releases endorphins ... instant mood-lift!

7. Color ... yeah, sounds silly, doesn't it? Trust me ... grabbing those good old crayolas and a coloring book (or some blank paper) is great for stress release!

8. Knit ... ok, you could crochet, cross-stitch, embroider, scrapbook, whatever! Crafting is a great mood enhancer ... how can you be down when you're creating something beautiful?

9. Play on facebook ... a true time-waster, but playing Frontierville, Fish Wrangler, or a couple games of Bejeweled Blitz will lift you right out of the doldrums :)

10. Write a blog post ... so, even just writing about ways to lighten your mood has lightened mine!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things I'd Tell A College Freshman

I never went to college (one of my regrets in life), so this is purely from the experience of listening to my friends who went to college & from sending my son (going into his 3rd year) to college!

1. Make new friends ... you're going to be surrounded by a lot of new people. You're used to being surrounded by people who have known you since you were in kindergarten, so this is your chance to make real "new" friends! These people will most likely have alot of the same interests that you do, and perhaps the same career path as well. Talk to them!

2. Hang on to a few 'old' (true blue) friends ... you're going to need them on occasion, and they're going to need you. You don't want to ditch all your old friends when you leave for college, so keep up with the e-mails and texts with the friends you treasure the most, you'll never regret keeping in touch!

3. Apply yourself ... yeah, how many times have you heard, 'But you could do so much better if you'd just *apply* yourself!'?? But it's sooo true! You are going to get out of your college experience exactly what you put into it ... make it the most you possibly can!

4. Take advantage of all the college has to offer ... they have tons of people in support roles to help you find the best classes, study effectively, join study groups, and lots of other things. Seek these people out and take advantage of their talents.

5. Stretch yourself ... try something you'd never have tried at home ... do something a little outside your comfort zone ... how will you find the passion that may drive you if you don't try new things??

6. Explore your new 'home' ... walk around the campus, walk around off campus, take a bus ride to nearby attractions ... undoubtedly the area your college is located in has many cool things bubbling under the surface, get out there and find them!

7. Join a group ... Circle K happens to be near & dear to my heart, but take some time to find the groups on campus, find out what they do & what they stand for, and join one that meshes with your interests and passions ... you'll find instant new friends, and they'll all be interested in the same things as you!

8. Be careful ... be aware of your surroundings, keep your head up, and just be safe.

9. Write home ... sounds trite, I know, but your parents are missing you something fierce! Drop them an e-mail, send them a text, or (gasp) haul out a pen & paper and do it the old-fashioned way. Whatever the method, let the parental units know what's going on, especially in the first few months.

10. This is kind of a "DUH" ... ~HAVE FUN~

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Reasons to Love Bacon

This week's 'Ten on Tuesday' topic is "10 Reasons to Love Bacon!" Um, do we really need 10 spots on that list? It's BACON! Then I started thinking ... I guess I could give you 10 ~ways~ to eat it that would make you love it. Yeah, that's it!

1. Plain old crispy bacon ... that crispy-yet-chewy texture, the salty tang, the smoky goodness. Mmmmmm, makes me wish I had some in the refrig!!

2. On a BLT ... the summer classic. With crisp lettuce, creamy mayo (my preference is Miracle Whip), a fat juicy tomato (preferably right from the garden), and a couple of nice thick slices of crispy bacon. Summertime in a sandwich right there!

3. Crumbled on a salad ... can't beat that salty bacon flavor in every mouthful of a gorgeous garden salad!

4. Wrapped around a scallop (or a shrimp) ... the sweetness of the scallop, the saltiness of the bacon. Pure pleasure in your mouth. My secret ingredient is brown sugar, lightly sprinkled over the top before you broil them. Yumm!

5. Rolled up inside chicken & smothered in cheese, maybe with some chopped up spinach or asparagus.

6. Wrapped around a bunch of asparagus and grilled.

8. Sauteed with vegetables & used in a soup base ... those little crunchy bits of smoky salty goodness sure do impart a ton of flavor into soups (and sauces)!

9. In an egg sandwich ... can't have a fried egg sandwich without bacon! There's just something about bacon and eggs, really. Doesn't matter how you cook them, they just go together.

10. In a chocolate bar ... ok, so I haven't actually tried this, but all my favorite food-network stars have raved about bacon flavored chocolate. I am dying to try it, but haven't seen it locally yet. Maybe I need to expand my search ...

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things to Bring on Vacation

1. A good book (or several) ... there's bound to be some down time in any vacation. This proves to be a great time to pick up your current book and do some reading.

2. Knitting ... you can knit on the beach, on the couch, in bed, or in the car. I'm sure you can find someplace to knit just about anywhere you choose to go on vacation!

3. A deck of cards ... hubby and I always enjoy playing a few games of 'garbage' or cribbage during vacation.

4. Map (or GPS unit) ... it's nice to know the surrounding area.

5. List of places to go ... whether you do research before you leave & print it out, ask the front desk clerk, or grab some of the fliers at highway rest areas or in the lobby of hotels, you'll need to know what interesting places there are to visit!

6. Money ... unfortunately most vacations cost money. Whether it be dinner out, a quick snack, something to drink, or admission to those above mentioned interesting places, you're gonna need some cash (or plastic, depending on your style).

7. Comfortable shoes ... if you're like us, you invariably end up doing alot of walking while on vacation. Those cute strappy sandals might look great with your new outfit, but they're not going to feel too good if you're walking for miles.

8. A stash of snacks & drinks ... this mostly applies if you're traveling with small kids! Nothing can ruin a nice vacation more than whining children who are hungry/thirsty/tired. A bag of goldfish and a juice box can go an awful long way to making your day more enjoyable ... more so if they're in your bag & you don't have to search out a place to buy them at an inflated price!

9. Camera ... um, duh! The advent of digital photography has made it sooo easy to snap a few (hundred/thousand) photos of your vacation!

10. Journal ... even if you aren't a regular journaler, this can prove to be a great way to preserve some awesome vacation memories! Write down the highlights of the day each night & you'll be able to look back on the vacation fondly in the coming years. Especially if you leave spaces in the journal to paste in some of the photographs from #9 :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things to do Instead of Watching TV

There are many times that I watch too much television ... and then there are times when I go great stretches w/o watching any at all (well, except for the Red Sox ... they don't really count as watching TV, do they?). This week's topic is "10 things to do instead of watching TV" ... and here I go

1. Read a book. Um, duh! Nothing quite captures your imagination like a book. If you like that whole new-fangled audio book thing, feel free. I can't get past wanting to feel the pages of the book when I turn them.

2. Listen to the radio. Music, talk, sports, whatever. You can multitask to your heart's content while you're listening to the radio.

3. Knit! Since this is my newest hobby (erm, ok, obsession) I had to include it high on the list. I get great satisfaction out of seeing something take shape in my hands.

4. Go to the local library. Ok, some may say that this goes with #1 ... but the library has so much more than just books! They've got magazines, reference materials, computers, great kids' programs, etc. Reacquaint yourself with the library ... bet you'll be glad you did.

5. Take a walk.

6. Cook something fabulous. Grab your favorite cookbook and find something you've never made/tried and get to it.

7. Write a blog. I'm finding this "10 on Tuesday" exercise to be great fun. It forces me to think about something, form some ideas in my head, and then put them into concrete form each week.

8. Talk to a friend. In person, on the phone, on skype, whatever. Nothing soothes the soul like taking to a good friend :)

9. Clean out that closet you've been meaning to get into since before Bush (the first one) was elected ;)

10. Sit outside and just enjoy the sounds of nature. It's amazing to watch the world go by, and it's relaxing, too. Um, you could also multitask and knit while you sit. Just saying!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Things to bring on a camping trip!

This week's topic is "10 things to bring on a camping trip!" Let me tell ya, I did alot of camping when I was a kid. Ok, it wasn't the 'roughing it' kind of camping ... we had a 35' travel trailer complete with gas stove, refrigerator, microwave oven, and an air conditioner! But it was still camping ... at least in my book. Anyway, I digress ... on to this week's topic ...

1. Shelter ... tent/pop-up camper/trailer, what have you. You'll want to be out of the elements at least some of the time!

2. Water ... life's main essential, don't ya think?

3. Insect Repellent ... I love camping, but I hate the little bugs & critters that go along with it. No fun scratching all weekend!

4. Firewood ... 'cause it's all about the campfire!

5. Hot Dogs & Beans ... nothing brings me back to my childhood like hot dogs & beans on Saturday night. Well, unless it's my dad's charcoal blackened steak and greasy french fries cooked over the open fire. But, again, I digress!

6. Chocolate bars/marshmallows/graham crackers ... what's the point of having a campfire if you're not going to make s'mores?!

7. Chairs ... who wants to sit on a buggy old log? A nice comfy chair, preferably with a drink holder in the armrest!

8. Towels & bathing suit ... doesn't every camping site have a pond or a lake?

9. Books ... reading while camping is a must.

10. Knitting ... 'cause you can knit anywhere, right? :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - Ten Things You Like About Where You Live

This week's subject was the easiest yet ... 10 things you like about where you live! Since I live in New England, it was not difficult to come up with 10 things. It was difficult to limit it to just 10, actually! Here we go ...

1. Our accent ... sure, we catch alot of grief for dropping our R's and adding them into places they don't belong, but seriously? Who doesn't love 'Pahkin' the Cah in Hahvahd Yahd?'

2. Changing seasons ... I don't have a favorite season. Well, I do ... whatever one we're in at the time you ask me! I love that we have 4 very distinct and different seasons.

3. History ... doesn't get much more historical than living close to Boston. From Paul Revere's House to the Freedom Trail, from Plimoth Plantation to Salem, we've got History covered!

4. Lobstah. 'Nuff said!

5. The Boston Red Sox. Yeah, we may have waited 86 years between World Series wins, but it was totally worth it. I love my boys!!

6. Mountains ... there are probably more impressive peaks in the world, but none I love so much as the green ones in VT and the white ones in NH.

7.  Farmstands in the summer ... I know these are dotting the countryside in all parts of the United States, but I find it hard to believe that produce would taste any sweeter or fresher than right here in New England in the summertime.

8. Atlantic Ocean ... it's comforting to know that I can be dipping my toes into the ocean within a half hour. Love staring out at the Atlantic Ocean during any season, it's beautiful all the time.

9. Lakes Region, NH ... my in-laws have a house up there, and I count myself as one of the extremely lucky few to be able to spend alot of my weekends there. Nothing like a boat ride on crystal clear water!

10. Changing weather ... you've heard the saying, "If you don't like the weather in New England, give it 5 minutes ..." Well, it's TRUE! I love that you can be sitting outside in the hot, sticky sun and 5 minutes later the sky is black and you're running for cover. 5 minutes after that, it's hot and sticky and the sun is shining again.

LOVE New England!!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways to Enjoy Summer

This should be easy since we're officially in the midst of a New England heat wave!

1. Go to the beach ... there's nothing like a little salt water to cool you off when it's hot. Fresh water will do, too, but the ocean is really the best.

2. Go for a boat ride! Love going out on the boat on a hot day and just tootin' around.

3. Have a cookout ... or go to one. Nothing says summer like burgers & dogs on the grille.

4. Lobster. Lots and lots of lobster. Steamed, in a bisque, or a lobster roll. Mmmmmm!

5. See some fireworks :)

6. Go to a fair or carnival, go on some rides, enjoy some fair food (corn dogs, funnel cakes, fried veggies, fried dough).

7. Sit by the pool (or in the pool) and read a trashy novel.

8. Sit in the outdoor seating area of your favorite restarant and enjoy the summer breezes. Well, hopefully there will be breezes.

9. Sleep late. Yay for school being out for the summer, no schedules to keep!

10. Knit a cool summer top. I've done this already ... can't wait to show it off :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Today's "Ten on Tuesday" subject is ... 10 Books on Your Summer Reading List!

Hmmmmm ... books? Like paper and ink books? Goodness! Since I started knitting I don't think I've picked up a book. I have downloaded a few audio books, but can't quite warm up to that whole approach as yet. Since I've been engrossed in knitting patterns and knitting books, I haven't been paying much attention to what I might like to read this summer. Honestly, I plan to knit on the beach instead of reading. I bet I can come up with at least 10 that I would like to read, should I break my arm and not be able to knit, hehe!

1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson ... this is currently on my Zune. I've listened to a few chapters and would like to finish, whether it be audibly or actually picking up the book.

2. Ghost - Confessions of a Counter Terrorism Agent, by Fred Burton ... another that I started as an audiobook. It expired before I finished, but I really would like to finish this one, it intrigues me.

3. Swimsuit, by James Patterson ... ahhhh, I love James Patterson.

4. Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert ... recommended by a number of my friends, I truly want to see what this is all about.

5. Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson ... I'm almost ashamed to admit I haven't read this yet. Especially in light of my soldier-son!

6. Alex Cross's Trial, by James Patterson ... loved every single one of the Alex Cross books, need to finish it off.

7. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett ... another recommendation from a friend. Sounds interesting.

8. Storm Prey, by John Sandford ... another author/series that I love, mmmmm, Lucas Davenport!

9. Medium Raw, by Anthony Bourdain ... my son turned me on to Anthony Bourdain's TV series, and I love him. Would love to read this one.

10. American Assassin, by Vince Flynn ... *love* Mitch Rapp, 'nuff said!

With my list done, I have to admit that it will be a minor (ok, perhaps a major) miracle if I get even half of these books read by the end of the summer. Darn knitting! LOL

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

I joined a challenge to post a "Ten on Tuesday" topic each week ... this week's (my very first) is "Ten Ways to Entertain a Child." So, here goes ...

1. Read to them. No matter how old a child is, they love to have books read to them. There's something very special about the time you spend reading with your children.

2. Give them a bottle of bubbles! Another ageless pastime.

3. Grab a ball and head to the back yard. Whether it's tossing a baseball/softball/football back and forth, shooting some hoops, or kicking a soccer ball around, you'll both have some fun.

4. Cook something together. Even the little ones can join in with measuring & stirring!

5. Take a walk. You never know what topic(s) will come up during a walk with a child.

6. Play a board game ... Monopoly ... Trouble ... Parchesi ... Life ... Candy Land ... the list of great board games is endless.

7. Teach them a craft. Kids love crafts :)

8. Watch something on TV together. Discovery channel, Animal Planet, there are a ton of great shows that will help your child learn something ... and who knows, you might learn something, too!

9. Water. Give 'em a little or give 'em a lot ... water is an endless source of amusement and learning!

10. Crayons, paper, scissors, and glue. They'll be entertained for hours!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My latest obsession

My friend Carole recently taught me to knit, and I'm truly hooked! (Groan, I know, bad bad pun!) I love that it takes all my concentration and I can just knit and think about knitting and nothing else. I've gotten "good enough" so that I can watch TV at the same time, though!

Projects I've completed so far ...  
A baby blanket for Jason & Jaime's daughter, Taylor Ann. It felt really good to be able to gift something handmade :)

A pretty pink hat (with a matching scarf that I forgot to photograph).

A baktus scarf. This was my first attempt at truly following a pattern, and it came out perfectly :) You use one skein of yarn, knit to the halfway point and then finish w/ the second half of the yarn. Unfortunately the skein wasn't large enough so I can wear the scarf ... but I think it'll look cute on one of the girls. And it was great experience!

 A raspberry and black striped hat ... for ME! I love the colors together, and I made up the stripe pattern myself. Most knit hats are too tight on my head & get itchy, but this one is nice and loose, and I love it.

 My very first pair of socks! Knit with sport weight yarn, they're big and heavy (and soooo warm) ... and I'm so proud of myself for knitting them :)

On the needles now is a purple skirt for Katelyn (haven't taken a picture of that yet) ... and another pair of socks! This time I'm using sock yarn and really really tiny needles, so they'll be a pair I can wear year-round. I'm so excited! I love the pattern, the combination of stitches makes a really cool effect, and I can't wait to finish them. Carole gave me a beautiful skein of sock yarn for my birthday ... she's going to teach me to wind it into a ball that I can knit from & then I'll make another pair of socks out of that. Yep, I'm hooked!!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Mackenzie is FIVE!

Ok, so seriously? How did *that* happen? Seems like just yesterday she was a newborn!! Well, today she turned 5 years old, so the time has passed, I just don't know where it went. She brought cupcakes to school & her classmates sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. We'll have a cake after dinner, and she'll get to open her gifts from us :)

We're going to have a combined birthday party for Mackenzie and Katelyn sometime in February, when James is home on his 2-week R&R from A'stan. His leave is scheduled for early-to-mid February, we'll get invites out as that firms up.

Thought I'd post a few pictures of Mackenzie as she's grown from an infant to age 5 ...

Here she is on Thanksgiving 2005.

September of 2006, at Rocky Nook.

With Katelyn in October of 2007 at Santa's Village.

In my Easter Bonnet, 2008.

Preschool picture, December 2009.