Thursday, March 18, 2010

My latest obsession

My friend Carole recently taught me to knit, and I'm truly hooked! (Groan, I know, bad bad pun!) I love that it takes all my concentration and I can just knit and think about knitting and nothing else. I've gotten "good enough" so that I can watch TV at the same time, though!

Projects I've completed so far ...  
A baby blanket for Jason & Jaime's daughter, Taylor Ann. It felt really good to be able to gift something handmade :)

A pretty pink hat (with a matching scarf that I forgot to photograph).

A baktus scarf. This was my first attempt at truly following a pattern, and it came out perfectly :) You use one skein of yarn, knit to the halfway point and then finish w/ the second half of the yarn. Unfortunately the skein wasn't large enough so I can wear the scarf ... but I think it'll look cute on one of the girls. And it was great experience!

 A raspberry and black striped hat ... for ME! I love the colors together, and I made up the stripe pattern myself. Most knit hats are too tight on my head & get itchy, but this one is nice and loose, and I love it.

 My very first pair of socks! Knit with sport weight yarn, they're big and heavy (and soooo warm) ... and I'm so proud of myself for knitting them :)

On the needles now is a purple skirt for Katelyn (haven't taken a picture of that yet) ... and another pair of socks! This time I'm using sock yarn and really really tiny needles, so they'll be a pair I can wear year-round. I'm so excited! I love the pattern, the combination of stitches makes a really cool effect, and I can't wait to finish them. Carole gave me a beautiful skein of sock yarn for my birthday ... she's going to teach me to wind it into a ball that I can knit from & then I'll make another pair of socks out of that. Yep, I'm hooked!!