Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Favorite one-hit wonders!

What a great theme for this week! Music does an awful lot of things ... makes you feel happy, makes you feel sad, brings out the pain so you can move on, whatever ... music really makes the world a better place. Without further ado, here are my favorite 1-hit wonders (in random order) ...

1. Tainted Love (Soft Cell) - gotta love the 80's baby!

2. Puttin' on the Ritz (Taco) - didn't everyone want a top hat & cane after this one?

3. Relax (Frankie Goes to Hollywood) - get to it!

4. Miami Vice Theme (Jan Hammer) - admit it, you watched too!

5. She's Like The Wind (Patrick Swayze) - yeah, maybe he wasn't the best vocalist in the world, but hey, he sure looked good without a shirt on!

6. Hey There Lonely Girl (Eddie Holman) - my brothers were children of the 70's, I heard ALOT of 70's music growing up!

7. The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia (Vicki Lawrence) - we used to get dressed up in dancing school costumes & perform to this one and 'Delta Dawn!'

8. Playground In My Mind (Clint Holmes) - everyone can relate to this one, right?

9. Afternoon Delight (Starland Vocal Band) - just the title is cool ;)

10. Just When I Needed You Most (Randy VanWarmer) - perhaps he'd have had more than one hit if someone had mentioned that his name was really weird? Just stayin'!

Can't wait to read everyone else's lists ... nothing brings you back to a certain moment in time like a good song, especially a one-hit wonder!


Laurie said...

OMG..."Afternoon Delight"...one of my favorites, too! Great list!

Carole Knits said...

I loved Miami Vice! And yes on Patrick Swayze, too. I used to sing Delta Dawn and use my hairbrush as a microphone. Don't judge me.

Annie said...

Just when I needed you Most. I had forgotten about that one. I could sing the entire song and knew exactly how far to rewind it to hear it again and again and again!
Great list


Lapdog Creations said...

Great list - happy TOT!

17th stitch said...

Loved "Puttin' on the Ritz" - didn't know it was a one-hit wonder!

dianne said...

Its' nice to see Frankie Goes to Hollywood on another list :-) You ave a fun group of songs listed!