Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday - Nov. 12, 2009

Well, today is the day that Shawn has his hernia surgery. So, while I am totally stressed out about that (in addition to the other stuff I am currently stressed about), I am still thankful. Here are my three 'Thankful Thursday' items for today ...

1.) I am thankful that we live in the United States, where we are able to get excellent medical care & don't have to wait forever to have something fixed. I pray daily that this continues.

2.) I am thankful for all the men and women who selflessly serve(d) this great nation in military service. The long list includes my son, currently deployed in the Middle East, my father who served in Italy in WWII, my uncle, 2 of my brothers, my nephew, and countless others who gave of themselves to ensure that we are free. God Bless those who serve today, and all those who served in the past.

3.) I am thankful for the gorgeous stretch of autumn weather we've been enjoying. It's delightful to walk Katie to the bus stop in the morning with the leaves crunching under our feet, and breathe in that fresh fall air. Life is truly good.

1 comment:

Carole Knits said...

How is Shawn doing? I hope everything went well.