Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things I'd Tell A College Freshman

I never went to college (one of my regrets in life), so this is purely from the experience of listening to my friends who went to college & from sending my son (going into his 3rd year) to college!

1. Make new friends ... you're going to be surrounded by a lot of new people. You're used to being surrounded by people who have known you since you were in kindergarten, so this is your chance to make real "new" friends! These people will most likely have alot of the same interests that you do, and perhaps the same career path as well. Talk to them!

2. Hang on to a few 'old' (true blue) friends ... you're going to need them on occasion, and they're going to need you. You don't want to ditch all your old friends when you leave for college, so keep up with the e-mails and texts with the friends you treasure the most, you'll never regret keeping in touch!

3. Apply yourself ... yeah, how many times have you heard, 'But you could do so much better if you'd just *apply* yourself!'?? But it's sooo true! You are going to get out of your college experience exactly what you put into it ... make it the most you possibly can!

4. Take advantage of all the college has to offer ... they have tons of people in support roles to help you find the best classes, study effectively, join study groups, and lots of other things. Seek these people out and take advantage of their talents.

5. Stretch yourself ... try something you'd never have tried at home ... do something a little outside your comfort zone ... how will you find the passion that may drive you if you don't try new things??

6. Explore your new 'home' ... walk around the campus, walk around off campus, take a bus ride to nearby attractions ... undoubtedly the area your college is located in has many cool things bubbling under the surface, get out there and find them!

7. Join a group ... Circle K happens to be near & dear to my heart, but take some time to find the groups on campus, find out what they do & what they stand for, and join one that meshes with your interests and passions ... you'll find instant new friends, and they'll all be interested in the same things as you!

8. Be careful ... be aware of your surroundings, keep your head up, and just be safe.

9. Write home ... sounds trite, I know, but your parents are missing you something fierce! Drop them an e-mail, send them a text, or (gasp) haul out a pen & paper and do it the old-fashioned way. Whatever the method, let the parental units know what's going on, especially in the first few months.

10. This is kind of a "DUH" ... ~HAVE FUN~

1 comment:

Carole Knits said...

This is a great list. I'm glad you are Hannah's friend. I know she can count on you for great advice.