Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things to do Instead of Watching TV

There are many times that I watch too much television ... and then there are times when I go great stretches w/o watching any at all (well, except for the Red Sox ... they don't really count as watching TV, do they?). This week's topic is "10 things to do instead of watching TV" ... and here I go

1. Read a book. Um, duh! Nothing quite captures your imagination like a book. If you like that whole new-fangled audio book thing, feel free. I can't get past wanting to feel the pages of the book when I turn them.

2. Listen to the radio. Music, talk, sports, whatever. You can multitask to your heart's content while you're listening to the radio.

3. Knit! Since this is my newest hobby (erm, ok, obsession) I had to include it high on the list. I get great satisfaction out of seeing something take shape in my hands.

4. Go to the local library. Ok, some may say that this goes with #1 ... but the library has so much more than just books! They've got magazines, reference materials, computers, great kids' programs, etc. Reacquaint yourself with the library ... bet you'll be glad you did.

5. Take a walk.

6. Cook something fabulous. Grab your favorite cookbook and find something you've never made/tried and get to it.

7. Write a blog. I'm finding this "10 on Tuesday" exercise to be great fun. It forces me to think about something, form some ideas in my head, and then put them into concrete form each week.

8. Talk to a friend. In person, on the phone, on skype, whatever. Nothing soothes the soul like taking to a good friend :)

9. Clean out that closet you've been meaning to get into since before Bush (the first one) was elected ;)

10. Sit outside and just enjoy the sounds of nature. It's amazing to watch the world go by, and it's relaxing, too. Um, you could also multitask and knit while you sit. Just saying!


Laurie said...

Really? Baseball doesn't count as watching TV???? Then I guess my TV is almost never on, since that is what we watch most. And the best thing about baseball is you can watch it and knit or read and never miss a play. It's the perfect multitasking sport! :-)

Great list!

Kym said...

I have one of the closets. . .
Great list!

Carole Knits said...

No surprise that our lists are similar. But there is no way I'd pick cleaning out a closet over watching TV!

Seanna Lea said...

I don't have one of those closets, because we just moved last spring. However, we told ourselves that we were going to weed out all of the crap in the basement that didn't get touched in a year. We are definitely due!