Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways to Enjoy Summer

This should be easy since we're officially in the midst of a New England heat wave!

1. Go to the beach ... there's nothing like a little salt water to cool you off when it's hot. Fresh water will do, too, but the ocean is really the best.

2. Go for a boat ride! Love going out on the boat on a hot day and just tootin' around.

3. Have a cookout ... or go to one. Nothing says summer like burgers & dogs on the grille.

4. Lobster. Lots and lots of lobster. Steamed, in a bisque, or a lobster roll. Mmmmmm!

5. See some fireworks :)

6. Go to a fair or carnival, go on some rides, enjoy some fair food (corn dogs, funnel cakes, fried veggies, fried dough).

7. Sit by the pool (or in the pool) and read a trashy novel.

8. Sit in the outdoor seating area of your favorite restarant and enjoy the summer breezes. Well, hopefully there will be breezes.

9. Sleep late. Yay for school being out for the summer, no schedules to keep!

10. Knit a cool summer top. I've done this already ... can't wait to show it off :)

1 comment:

Carole Knits said...

Excellent list! But you forgot "go to a kiwanis division caucus."