Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - Ten Things You Like About Where You Live

This week's subject was the easiest yet ... 10 things you like about where you live! Since I live in New England, it was not difficult to come up with 10 things. It was difficult to limit it to just 10, actually! Here we go ...

1. Our accent ... sure, we catch alot of grief for dropping our R's and adding them into places they don't belong, but seriously? Who doesn't love 'Pahkin' the Cah in Hahvahd Yahd?'

2. Changing seasons ... I don't have a favorite season. Well, I do ... whatever one we're in at the time you ask me! I love that we have 4 very distinct and different seasons.

3. History ... doesn't get much more historical than living close to Boston. From Paul Revere's House to the Freedom Trail, from Plimoth Plantation to Salem, we've got History covered!

4. Lobstah. 'Nuff said!

5. The Boston Red Sox. Yeah, we may have waited 86 years between World Series wins, but it was totally worth it. I love my boys!!

6. Mountains ... there are probably more impressive peaks in the world, but none I love so much as the green ones in VT and the white ones in NH.

7.  Farmstands in the summer ... I know these are dotting the countryside in all parts of the United States, but I find it hard to believe that produce would taste any sweeter or fresher than right here in New England in the summertime.

8. Atlantic Ocean ... it's comforting to know that I can be dipping my toes into the ocean within a half hour. Love staring out at the Atlantic Ocean during any season, it's beautiful all the time.

9. Lakes Region, NH ... my in-laws have a house up there, and I count myself as one of the extremely lucky few to be able to spend alot of my weekends there. Nothing like a boat ride on crystal clear water!

10. Changing weather ... you've heard the saying, "If you don't like the weather in New England, give it 5 minutes ..." Well, it's TRUE! I love that you can be sitting outside in the hot, sticky sun and 5 minutes later the sky is black and you're running for cover. 5 minutes after that, it's hot and sticky and the sun is shining again.

LOVE New England!!


Carole Knits said...

Your list is way better than mine and I agree with all of it. Except for the winter part. Ugh.

17th stitch said...

Great list! You've really summed up the wonderful things about New England here...

Strickmuse said...

A wonderful list, which makes me want to visit as soon as possible.

JessaLu said...

Great list! I love that you included dropping your R's, hehe ;o)