Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways To Simplify Your Life

For today's 'Ten on Tuesday' the topic is '10 Ways To Simplify Your Life' ... hmmmmm. When I saw this week's topic, I thought, "Gee, that ought to be easy!" On further thought, not so much, LOL. Well, easy to spout out ways to do it ... not so much in the actual doing. Anyway, here goes ...

1. Learn to make a list ... and use it! Whether it's a 'to-do' list or a grocery list, putting it down on paper (or on your phone) means you are less likely to forget something.

2. Learn to say "NO!" If you have less obligations, you'll have more time for the important stuff.

3. Organize your space. I struggle with this one. I want to be organized, but have a hard time implementing the plan. If everything is where it belongs, it's easier (and faster) to get things done.

4. Plan meals ahead. To me not much is more frustrating than that 4:00 "What am I going to cook for dinner?" panic! I may not stick to my weekly menu plan, but I have a plan and it makes it much easier to know that I need to take the roast out of the freezer on Tuesday morning so it will defrost in time to put in the oven!

5. Avoid wasted trips. Group your errands together and save time. Why run to the post office now and then drive right by it in a few hours on your way to the bank?

6. Get rid of some preconceived notions that everything has to be perfect. My Mom used to make dinners that consisted of a meat, a starch, and two veggies (almost always different colors). Yeah, well sometimes I accomplish that ... but sometimes my kids get mac & cheese for dinner. With no veggies. Sue me.

7. Don't sweat the small stuff. Honestly, if you get this one down, everything else falls into place. Put your priorities in order and then give them top billing, always.

8. Build some 'me' time into each and every day. Take 5 minutes to file your nails. Read a couple chapters in the book on your nightstand. Flip through your new magazine and have a cup of tea. Knit a few rows on the sweater/shawl/scarf you're making. Whatever it is, make the time to enjoy it.

9. Institute a 'work-and-reward' system to make chores seem more fun. Whether you do it by time or task, it'll help. Yesterday I made myself wash windows (ugh) ... so I made it fun by giving myself a reward after each couple of windows! Wash two windows ... knit for fifteen minutes. Wash the picture window (inside & out) ... play Bejeweled for five games. I got my windows done & it didn't seem so bad :)

10. I'll borrow the last one from Fly Lady ... clean & shine your sink. A clean sink just makes life simpler, doesn't it?


Carole Knits said...

Why didn't I remember #2 when they asked me to be Kiwanis secretary? And I've got another one for you - get your friend to wind your yarn!

Honoré said...

I seem to spend a lot of time doing #3 in my studio/office...wish I could get it organized for good. Love the idea of simple rewards for tackling an ugh-task.